Powered by pioneering science, grounded in world-class expertise, and driven by purpose, Geron aims to change lives by changing the course of blood cancer.

talking at table

Nobel Prize-winning discoveries about an enzyme called telomerase and its impact on the uncontrolled proliferation of malignant cells were our beginning.

The belief in the potential of a novel therapeutic approach targeting and inhibiting telomerase started our journey.

The advancement of that idea led to the development and commercialization of therapies with the potential to extend and enhance the lives of people living with blood cancers.

With a seasoned leadership team with world-class expertise spanning research, clinical development, regulatory, manufacturing and commercial experience in hematologic malignancies, Geron is prepared to deliver on our mission to change lives by changing the course of blood cancer.

Our culture

At Geron, our innovative and collaborative culture has been foundational to our advancement of telomerase inhibition as a treatment with the potential to change the course of blood cancers.

Our history

For more than 30 years, we’ve researched, experimented, adapted and even defied convention in the pursuit of new possibilities for patients.

Our leadership team

Man in suit speaking on stage with Geron logo behind.

Our seasoned leadership team has world-class expertise spanning research, clinical development, regulatory, manufacturing and commercial experience in hematologic malignancies.